ZK20136 ALARM BELL PIEZO SIREN 12V - 115dBa Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification ZZ-006 - PSR - Pre-defined packages LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification Product Description en: ALARM BELL PIEZO SIREN 12V - 115dBa vi: Chuông báo dừng tầng 12V - 115dBa sv: LARM SIREN PIEZO 12V - 115DBA zh: 警铃 Piezo Siren 12V - 115dBa en: ALARM BELL PIEZO SIREN 12V - 115dBa Material Utilisation Group 10900 - OTHER ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 10900 - OTHER ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Material group B91 - Indicators and accessories (bells, buzzers, horns) Product Family Codes KONE 3000 MiniSpace KONE 3000 MonoSpace KONE 3000 TranSys KONE 3000S MiniSpace KONE 3000S MonoSpace KONE MiniSpace KONE TranSys KONE 3000 MiniSpace Gross weight 0,08 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC