KMHAS767-A7 CONTROL PLATE,OSC 150MM Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details ACCESSORY TYPE PLATE SPECIFICATION 150MM Product Description da: Blænde 150m/m ca: CONTROL PLATE OSC 150mm en: CONTROL PLATE,OSC 150MM fr: DRAPEAU ALU. KONE L=150MM LARG=65MM no: Festeplate fi: OSKILLAATTORIN PELTI 150MM sv: PLÅT,FÖR OSCILLATOR,L=150 MM ALUMINIUM de: SCHALTFAHNE 150MM zh: 控制板 OSC 150MM en: CONTROL PLATE,OSC 150MM Material Utilisation Group 05350 - POSITIONING MAGNET OR PLATE 05350 - POSITIONING MAGNET OR PLATE Material group EM20 - Other Control and drive system sub-assemblies and parts Gross weight 0,116 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC