KM991713 CONTACTORMINI 4-POLE 4NO 230VAC Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification SERTRANS - SerTrans Control System TMS50 - Traffic Master System 50 ZZ-006 - PSR - Pre-defined packages LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification Product Description fr: CONTACTEUR AB 230VAC 4NO en: CONTACTORMINI 4-POLE 4NO 230VAC vi: Khởi động từ 4-POLE 4NO 230VAC sl: KONTAKTOR 230V AC 4XNO MINI hu: KONTAKTOR 4NO 230VAC sv: KONTAKTOR,MINI 4-POL 4NO 230VAC de: SCHÜTZ 100-K05KF400 230VAC 400V-2.2KW hr: SKLOPNIK 5A 230VAC 4NO pl: Stycznik cs: Stykač AB 4-POLE 4NO 230VAC ru: КОНТАК-Рмал.4ПОЛЮС.4нормЗАМКН230Впер.ток zf: 小型四極接觸器 4NO 230VAC zh: 接触器 4-POLE 4NO 230VAC en: CONTACTORMINI 4-POLE 4NO 230VAC Material Utilisation Group 10100 - CONTACTORS 10100 - CONTACTORS Material group B561 - AC controlled contactors Product Family Codes KONE MiniSpace KONE MiniSpace Gross weight 0,16 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC