KM954460G19 POS. MAGNET,TOP FINAL LIMIT 151US Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes KCE - KONE Controller and Electrification KCE - KONE Controller and Electrification Product Description fr: AIMANT, HORS COURSE HAUT 151US sl: MAGNET KONČNI 151US hr: MAGNET TOP FINAL LIM. 151US sh: MAGNET ZA POZ.KABINE-NAJV. STANICA 151US en: POS. MAGNET,TOP FINAL LIMIT 151US de: POS.-MAGNET OBEN ENDGUELT. GRENZE 151US hu: POZICIONÁLÓ MÁGNES FELSŐ, 151US ru: МАГНИТ ПОЗИЦИОНИРОВАНИЯ 151US bg: ПОЗ. МАГНИТ,TOP FINAL LIMIT 151US zh: 定位磁条,顶部终端 151US en: POS. MAGNET,TOP FINAL LIMIT 151US Material Utilisation Group 06500 - CAR POSITIONING DEVICES 06500 - CAR POSITIONING DEVICES Material group EL13 - Car positioning control devices and parts (Vanes, floor selector and parts) Product Family Codes KONE EcoSpace KONE MonoSpace 500 KONE Z MiniSpace ReSolve 200 KONE EcoSpace Gross weight 0,18 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC