KM954460G04 POS. MAGNET,BOTTOM FINAL LIMIT 151N Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes KCE - KONE Controller and Electrification KCE - KONE Controller and Electrification Product Description fr: AIMANT, HORS COURSE BAS 151N hu: ALSÓ VÉGHATÁROLÓ MÁGNES 151N sh: MAGNET 151N hr: MAGNET BOTTOM FINAL LIMIT 151N en: POS. MAGNET,BOTTOM FINAL LIMIT 151N en: POS. MAGNET,BOTTOM FINAL LIMIT 151N Material Utilisation Group 06500 - CAR POSITIONING DEVICES 06500 - CAR POSITIONING DEVICES Material group EL13 - Car positioning control devices and parts (Vanes, floor selector and parts) Product Family Codes KONE 3000E MiniSpace KONE EcoSpace KONE MonoSpace 500 ReSolve 200 KONE 3000E MiniSpace Gross weight 0,17 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC