KM944863 MEMCO 841-000 PANA 40+ 115V AC Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details MANUFACTURER MEMCO DETECTOR TYPE 2D EN COMPLIANCE EN50081 Product Description fr: BOITIER CELLULE, MEMCO 841-000 PANA 40+ sv: KONTROLLBOX MEMCO PANA 40+ 841000 en: MEMCO 841-000 PANA 40+ 115V AC de: STEUERGERÄT PANA40 PLUS 841-001 zh: 光幕控制盒 841-000 PANA 40+ 115V AC en: MEMCO 841-000 PANA 40+ 115V AC Material Utilisation Group 03164 - CURTAIN OF LIGHT 03164 - CURTAIN OF LIGHT Material group EK24 - Safety edge and curtain of light assemblies Gross weight 2,26 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC