KM870585H01 PULL PLATE FOR ROPING OF BALANCER Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes ES1 - Eurostar mechanics 1 ES1 - Eurostar mechanics 1 Product Description es: CHAPA TIRO POLEA DEL COMPENSADOR fr: PLAQUE PASSAGE CABLES, SUR POULIES EQUIL en: PULL PLATE FOR ROPING OF BALANCER ca: XAPA LLENÇO POLITJA DEL COMPENSADOR en: PULL PLATE FOR ROPING OF BALANCER Material Utilisation Group 05930 - BALANCER 05930 - BALANCER Material group EI1 - Rope fixing assembly parts (e.g. hitch plates) Gross weight 0,01 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC