KM86309G02 PCB, SAFETY EDGE 380V/50HZ 365-400V Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes ADC - ADC door ADC - ADC door Product Description cs: JEDNOTKA PRO BEZPECNOSTNI CIDLO sv: Manöverbox till säkerhetslist fi: OHJAUSYKSIKKÖ, TURVALISTA, ADC-OVET en: PCB, SAFETY EDGE 380V/50HZ 365-400V no: PRINTKORT SAFETY EDGE UNIT - ADC da: Printkort Safety edge unit - ADC es: SAFETY EDGE UNIT de: Sicherheitsleiste-Zentraleinheit, 380V ru: Печатная плата en: PCB, SAFETY EDGE 380V/50HZ 365-400V Material Utilisation Group 03162 - SAFETY EDGE 03162 - SAFETY EDGE Material group B72 - PCB assembly Gross weight 2,51 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC