KM853330G04 AVD HALL LANTERN SINGLE ASSEMBLY Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes KDS - KONE Design Signalization System KDS - KONE Design Signalization System Product Description en: AVD HALL LANTERN SINGLE ASSEMBLY fr: AVDHL1 (Hall lantern board) Logic white ca: AVDHL1 PARTLIST pt: PCBA, AVDHL SINGLE LOGIC + WHITE DISPLAY en: AVD HALL LANTERN SINGLE ASSEMBLY Material Utilisation Group 12113 - DIRECTION INDICATOR 12113 - DIRECTION INDICATOR Material group B72 - PCB assembly Product Family Codes KONE 3000 MiniSpace KONE MiniSpace KONE MonoSpace KONE TranSys KONE 3000 MiniSpace Gross weight 0,112 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC