KM844404 KIT,MICRO SWITCH UWS UNIDRIVE LOCK Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes KONE UWS - KONE UWS UNIDRIVE - KONE UNIDRIVE KONE UWS - KONE UWS Product Description fr: KIT MICRO CONTACT VERROU UWS en: KIT,MICRO SWITCH UWS UNIDRIVE LOCK nl: MICRO SCHAKELAAR,UWS UNIDRIVE SLOT no: MICRO SWITCH ASSEMBLY,UWS UNIDRIVE LOCK fi: MIKROKYTKIN,KIT UWS UNIDRIVE LUKKO zh: 微型开关组件,UWS UNIDRIVE LOCK en: KIT,MICRO SWITCH UWS UNIDRIVE LOCK Material Utilisation Group 82100 - SLIDING DOOR OPERATOR 82100 - SLIDING DOOR OPERATOR Material group J8429 - OTH PBD ELEC COMP Product Family Codes doors_pbd doors_pbd Gross weight 0,1 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC