KM842622 ENCODER,TEP/TXP/TLP/TKP/TMP W SPRING Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes TEP - TORMAX TEP TKP - TORMAX TKP TMP - TORMAX TMP TXP - TORMAX TXP TEP - TORMAX TEP Product Description en: ENCODER,TEP/TXP/TLP/TKP/TMP W SPRING de: Encoder,TORMAX TEP,TXP,TKP,TMP fr: Encodeur,TORMAX TEP TXP TKP TMP cs: PULSE COUNTER,TEP TXP TKP TMP pt: PULSE COUNTER,TORMAX TEP,TXP,TKP,TMP nl: Pulse counter,TORMAX TEP/TXP/TKP/TMP fi: Pulssianturi,TORMAX TEP/TXP/TKP/TMP zh: 脉冲计数器,TEP TXP TKP TMP en: ENCODER,TEP/TXP/TLP/TKP/TMP W SPRING Material Utilisation Group 82130 - MOTOR UNIT 82130 - MOTOR UNIT Material group J8429 - OTH PBD ELEC COMP Product Family Codes doors_pbd doors_pbd Gross weight 0,01 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC