KM841065G01 NORMAL PULLEY PACKAGE OF CWT GMX-MOD Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes GMX1 - Axial Machinery PULLEY - Rope pulley and assesories GMX1 - Axial Machinery Product Description it: Normal Pulley package of CWT en: NORMAL PULLEY PACKAGE OF CWT GMX-MOD es: PAQUETE POLEAS CONTRAPESO NORMAL (G01) fr: POULIE CONTREPOIDS,PACK. NORMAL GMX-MOD ru: Комплект стандарт. блоков прот-веса zh: 标准滑轮包 OF CWT GMX-MOD en: NORMAL PULLEY PACKAGE OF CWT GMX-MOD Material Utilisation Group 08510 - COUNTERWEIGHT PULLEY 08510 - COUNTERWEIGHT PULLEY Material group EH11 - Pulley shafts and other fixing parts Product Family Codes ReGenerate 200_400 ReGenerate 200_400 Gross weight 73,75 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC