KM785150G06 OSCILLATOR PACKAGE, 30, B30, 61:U/N Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes POSDEF - Positioning switches and vanes POSDEF - Positioning switches and vanes Product Description fr: ENSEMBLE OSCILLATEUR,30,B30,61:U/N en: OSCILLATOR PACKAGE, 30, B30, 61:U/N da: OSCILLATOR PACKAGE,30,B30,61 it: pacchetto oscillatori TTC IP23 en: OSCILLATOR PACKAGE, 30, B30, Material Utilisation Group 06530 - POSTIONING SWITCHES / READERS 06530 - POSTIONING SWITCHES / READERS Material group EL13 - Car positioning control devices and parts (Vanes, floor selector and parts) Product Family Codes KONE TranSys KONE TranSys Gross weight 2,84 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC