KM772277G02 WIRE ROPE,BRAKE 7M WITH SHACKLE Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes INT - Installation Tools INT - Installation Tools Product Description de: ASGT BREMSDRAHTZUG, 7M sv: BROMS VAJER, 7M hu: FÉKBOWDEN SZERELÉSHEZ,7M sl: VRV ZAVORNA 7M ZA ASGT en: WIRE ROPE,BRAKE 7M WITH SHACKLE ru: Канат D=6mm zh: 抱闸电线钢丝绳,7M en: WIRE ROPE,BRAKE 7M WITH SHACKLE Material Utilisation Group 35200 - INSTALLATION TOOLS 35200 - INSTALLATION TOOLS Material group T33 - Special installation tools Gross weight 1,07 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC