KM762594G01 ROPE FOR CLOSING WEIGHT 1.6X4500 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes AMD - AMD Advanced Modular Door system AMD - AMD Advanced Modular Door system Product Description es: CABLE CIERRAPUERTA 1.6X4500 ca: CABLE TANCA PORTES 1.6X4500 fr: CABLETTE CONTREPOIDS, PORTE PAL AMD pt: CABO CONTROL PORTA 1.6X4500 sv: LINA,FÖR STANGNINGSVIKT,1.6X4500 en: ROPE FOR CLOSING WEIGHT 1.6X4500 de: SEIL FÜR SCHLIESSGEWICHT D1.6MM L4500MM fi: SULKUPAINON KÖYSI AMD 1.6X4500 ru: ТРОСИК КОНТРГРУЗА ДВЕРЕЙ 1.6X4500 zh: 闭门重锤钢丝绳 1.6X4500 en: ROPE FOR CLOSING WEIGHT 1.6X4500 Material Utilisation Group 03270 - DOOR CLOSING DEVICE 03270 - DOOR CLOSING DEVICE Material group EK29 - Other door parts Gross weight 0,052 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC