KM755570G01S PCB,SRB REV 1.5 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes V3F100 - V3F drive for MX20-MX100. For high rise use. V3F100 - V3F drive for MX20-MX100. For high rise use. Product Description sv: KRETSKORT HASTIGHETSREFERENS pt: PCB ASSEMBLY 755570G01 REV.1.5 V3F100SRB en: PCB,SRB REV 1.5 fr: Pc-board - speed reference de: PLATINE SOLLWERT SRB REV 1.5 V3F100 da: Printkort - hast. reference fi: VIRTAPIIRIKORTTI - NOPEUSOHJE ru: Печатная плата he: כרטיס PCB, SRB REV 1.5 th: แผงควบคุม zf: 電子板 - speed reference en: PCB,SRB REV 1.5 Material Utilisation Group 11500 - PC BOARDS 11500 - PC BOARDS Material group B72 - PCB assembly Gross weight 2,88 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC