KM732807G01 CABLE FOR FEB S OPTION L 5 M Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Product Description en: CABLE FOR FEB S OPTION L 5 M es: CABLE FOR FEB S OPTION L = 5 M cs: CABLE FOR FEB S OPTION L 5 M fr: CABLE,POUR BOUTON FEB S NIVEAU BAS L=5M fi: KAAPELI FEB OPTIO L = 5 M sv: KABEL,FÖR FEB S OPTION L=5 M hu: TABLÓKÁBEL ru: СОЕДИНИТ.КАБЕЛЬ СИГНАЛИЗАЦИИ L=5М zh: 电缆 FOR FEB S OPTION L 5 M en: CABLE FOR FEB S OPTION L 5 M Material Utilisation Group 12100 - LANDING SIGNALISATION 12100 - LANDING SIGNALISATION Material group EL102 - Other shaft bundle cables Gross weight 0,24 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC