KM724409A22XX PRESSEL, ROUND MIRROR FINISH SYMBOL XX Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes DELTA - DELTA signalization family SIGK70 - KONE7000 (and K7000ST) signalization DELTA - DELTA signalization family Product Description fr: PRESSEL RONDE INOX MIROIR SYMBOL ca: Pressel round mirror symbol=? en: PRESSEL, ROUND MIRROR FINISH SYMBOL XX de: TASTERPLATTE,DELTA,RUND SYMBOL? en: PRESSEL, ROUND MIRROR FINISH SYMBOL XX Material Utilisation Group 12321 - PRESSEL / MECHANICS 12321 - PRESSEL / MECHANICS Material group EN1 - Signalization aesthetics parts (faceplates for signalization devices) Gross weight 0,002 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC