KM720205G72 PUSH BUTTON, METAL SYMBOL M Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes SIGMA - SIGMA signalization family SIGMA - SIGMA signalization family Product Description fr: PRESSEL METAL RELIEF + SUPPORT NIVEAU M it: PULSANTE D.32 SIGMA METALLO ALL. DIC. M ca: PUSH BUTTON METAL, SYMBOL M en: PUSH BUTTON, METAL SYMBOL M de: Tasterplatte, SIGMA Metall Symbol M sv: TRYCKE RUND SIGMA METALL SYMBOL M da: Trykknap - Sigma metal Mrk no: TRYKKNAPP - SIGMA METAL MRK zh: 金属按钮 SYMBOL M en: PUSH BUTTON, METAL SYMBOL M Material Utilisation Group 12321 - PRESSEL / MECHANICS 12321 - PRESSEL / MECHANICS Material group EN29 - Other signalization fixtures and parts (e.g. key-switch, displays, signalization cabling assemblies Gross weight 0,01 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC