KM716158G01 PLUMBING JIG TOOL MonoSpace Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes INT - Installation Tools INT - Installation Tools Product Description de: AUSLOTUNGSGESTELL KOMPLETT hu: BEMÉRŐ SABLON ca: EINES D APLOMAT es: HERRAMIENTAS DE APLOMADO da: Lodning værktøj sl: MONTAŽNA ŠABLONA fr: OUTILS PLOMBAGE GAINE MINISPACE en: PLUMBING JIG TOOL MonoSpace fi: PLUMBING JIG TOOL,TOOL BOX cs: PLUMPING TOOLS MINISPACE bg: РАМКА ЗА ОТВЕСИ ru: Уст-во д/провес zh: 安装样板支架 en: PLUMBING JIG TOOL MonoSpace Material Utilisation Group 35200 - INSTALLATION TOOLS 35200 - INSTALLATION TOOLS Material group T33 - Special installation tools Gross weight 33,0 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC