KM713868G01 ALARM BELL,CABLE L=40M Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification ZZ-006 - PSR - Pre-defined packages LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification Product Description en: ALARM BELL,CABLE L=40M pt: ALARM BELL,WITH 40 M CABLE no: Alarm klokke med 40mtr. kabel hr: ALARM KOMPLET sh: ALARM, KABAL 40M ca: ALARMA CON CABLE L=40M sv: ALARMKLOCKA,40M KABEL fi: HÄLYTYSKELLO JA KAAPELI 40M de: NOTRUFSIGNAL,KABEL L40M,LCE fr: SIRENE ALARME EN GAINE + CABLE L=40M sl: ZVONEC ALARMNI V OHIŠJU IN 40M KABLA ru: СИГНАЛЬНЫЙ ЗВОНОК ar: جرس الانذار zf: 井道警鐘連接駁線 L=40M zh: 井道警铃装置 L=40m en: ALARM BELL,CABLE L=40M Material Utilisation Group 10700 - CONTROL SYSTEM WIRING 10700 - CONTROL SYSTEM WIRING Material group EO9 - Other peripheral devices, assemblies and parts Product Family Codes E-line MonoSpace KONE 3000 MiniSpace KONE 3000 MonoSpace KONE 3000 TranSys KONE 3000S MiniSpace KONE 3000S MonoSpace KONE EcoSpace KONE MiniSpace KONE MonoSpace KONE MonoSpace 700 KONE MonoSpace Special KONE N MonoSpace KONE TranSys ReGenerate 200_400 E-line MonoSpace Gross weight 2,62 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC