KM654484G02 ALARM BUTTON Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes SIGNO - Novel, Cecer, Belgian model lift signalization SIGT10 - 100-series signalization SIGNO - Novel, Cecer, Belgian model lift signalization Product Description en: ALARM BUTTON sv: ALARM KNAPP de: ALARMTASTER M10,SIGT10 CESER 12/24V fr: BOUTON,WMS/LCS-M10 ALARME fi: HÄLYTYSPAINIKE NOVEL sl: TIPKA AL. M10 Z OKVIRJEM IN RDEČO LED cs: TLACITKO ALARM hu: VÉSZCSENGŐ GOMB bg: БУТОН (АЛАРМА zh: 警报器按钮 en: ALARM BUTTON Material Utilisation Group 12320 - CALL BUTTONS 12320 - CALL BUTTONS Material group B91 - Indicators and accessories (bells, buzzers, horns) Gross weight 0,055 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC