KM654017G01 COUNTERPARTS FOR INSTALLATION CLAMP Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes MX18 - Axial Machinery, rated load 1000 kg or 1800 kg 2:1 MX18 - Axial Machinery, rated load 1000 kg or 1800 kg 2:1 Product Description fr: CONTREPIECES,SERRAGE INSTALLATION en: COUNTERPARTS FOR INSTALLATION CLAMP hu: SÍNFOGÓPOFA ELLENDARAB en: COUNTERPARTS FOR INSTALLATION CLAMP Material Utilisation Group 35100 - SPECIAL TOOLS 35100 - SPECIAL TOOLS Material group EP9 - Other installation supplies, devices and parts (e.g. special installation tools and devices) Gross weight 1,35 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC