KM652434G10 ROPE ANCHOR, ROPE D=10MM WELDED Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes CWF05 - Counterweight frame, total weight 1300 kg CWF06 - Counterweight frame, car rated load 630 kg CWF10 - Counterweight frame, car rated load 1000 kg CWF05 - Counterweight frame, total weight 1300 kg Product Description en: ROPE ANCHOR, ROPE D=10MM WELDED en: ROPE ANCHOR, ROPE D=10MM WELDED Material Utilisation Group 09300 - HOIST ROPE SUSPENSION 09300 - HOIST ROPE SUSPENSION Material group EI02 - Suspension rope fixing assemblies, other roping ratio Gross weight 0,001 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC