KM602687G02 AMD D2 IP54 COMPLETE MOTOR ASSEMBLY Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Product Description hu: AJTÓMOTOR JOBBOS AMD en: AMD D2 IP54 COMPLETE MOTOR ASSEMBLY zf: AMD 門驅動馬達, IP54 zh: AMD门机马达,IP54 fi: MOOTTORI AMD IP54 fr: MOTEUR POUR AMD IP54 es: MOTOR FOR AMD IP54 de: TÜRANTRIEB AMD IP54 RECHTS ÖFFNEND ru: Двигатель для AMD IP54 en: AMD D2 IP54 COMPLETE MOTOR ASSEMBLY Material Utilisation Group 03176 - DOOR OPERATOR MOTOR 03176 - DOOR OPERATOR MOTOR Material group B81 - Motors Gross weight 3,42 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC