KM602494G04 COUPLER, LOCK CENTRE OPEN Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes AMD - AMD Advanced Modular Door system AMD - AMD Advanced Modular Door system Product Description it: ABBINAMENTO SX SI BLOCCO NH=400 RAILING1 en: COUPLER, LOCK CENTRE OPEN no: DØRLÅS KOMPLETT AMD NH-400 VENSTRE da: Lock Coupler centre-open. left NH=400 pt: LOCK COUPLER CENTRE-OPEN. LEFT NH400 de: Mitnehmerverriegelung NH=400 fi: MUKAANOT. LUKOLLA KESK.AUK. VASEN NH=400 fr: NAVETTE,CENTRE DE SERRURE OUVERT ru: ОТВОДКА ДВЕРЕЙ ЦЕНТР. ОТКР. ЛЕВАЯ NH400 zh: 门刀, LOCK CENTRE OPEN en: COUPLER, LOCK CENTRE OPEN Material Utilisation Group 03139 - COUPLER 03139 - COUPLER Material group EK21 - Door operators & top tracks Gross weight 3,88 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC