KM601331G02 WEIGHT, CLOSING SIDE OPEN RIGHT HANDED Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes AMD - AMD Advanced Modular Door system AMD - AMD Advanced Modular Door system Product Description fr: CONTREPOIDS PORTE,AMDL OUVERTURE DROITE de: SCHLIEßGEWICHT RECHTSÖFFNEND fi: SULKUPAINO KOKONAISUUS hu: SÚLY, ZÁRÓ OLDAL NYITOTT JOBBKEZES en: WEIGHT, CLOSING SIDE OPEN RIGHT HANDED es: WEIGHT,CLOSING SIDE OPEN RIGHT HANDED ru: ЗАКРЫВАЮЩ. ГРУЗ В КОМПЛЕКТЕ en: WEIGHT, CLOSING SIDE OPEN RIGHT HANDED Material Utilisation Group 03270 - DOOR CLOSING DEVICE 03270 - DOOR CLOSING DEVICE Material group EK29 - Other door parts Gross weight 0,19 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC