KM51688495V000 ALARM BUTTON ASM,STD,KSS280 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Product Description en: ALARM BUTTON ASM,STD,KSS280 de: Alarmtaster KSS280/Austausch Alarmtaster fr: BOUTON D'ALARME ASM,STD,KSS280 zh: KSS280 防暴警铃按钮,不带盲文 en: ALARM BUTTON ASM,STD,KSS280 Material Utilisation Group 12320 - CALL BUTTONS 12320 - CALL BUTTONS Material group A9 - OTHER BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS (GROUP FOR SEARCH) Product Family Codes KONE 3000 MiniSpace KONE 3000E MiniSpace KONE 3000N MiniSpace KONE 3000S MiniSpace KONE 3000S MonoSpace KONE 3000X MiniSpace KONE E MonoSpace KONE N MonoSpace KONE Z MiniSpace KONE 3000 MiniSpace Gross weight 7,15 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC