KM51678202 SAFETY BOOT,ARTURO MID ESD S3 SIZE 42 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details LENGTH REGULAR COLOUR BLACK EN ISO 20345 STANDARD S3,EN61340-5-1 SIZE 42 LACE TYPE LACE TOE CAP COMPOSITE Product Description en: SAFETY BOOT,ARTURO MID ESD S3 SIZE 42 de: SICHERHEITSSCHUH ARTURO GR. 42 en: SAFETY BOOT,ARTURO MID ESD S3 SIZE 42 Material Utilisation Group 36200 - SAFETY SHOES 36200 - SAFETY SHOES Material group T450 - Personal protection Gross weight 1,5 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC