KM51331349 RUBBER PROFILE,TYP02 KT100 GLASS PANELS Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes KT100 - KONE Turnstile KT100 KT100 - KONE Turnstile KT100 Product Description de: RUBBER PROFILE TYP02 KT100 GLASS PANELS en: RUBBER PROFILE,TYP02 KT100 GLASS PANELS en: RUBBER PROFILE,TYP02 KT100 GLASS PANELS Material Utilisation Group 83400 - REVOLVING DOOR AND TURNSTILE ACCESSORIES 83400 - REVOLVING DOOR AND TURNSTILE ACCESSORIES Material group J829 - METAL WORK & MISC HW Product Family Codes doors_pbd doors_pbd Gross weight 0,01 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC