KM51274549V001 PHOTOCELL,SMR 3206 S30 3S Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Product Description fr: CELLULE PHOTOELECTRIQUE,SMR 3206 S30 3S hr: FOTOĆELIJA,SMR 3206 S30 3S en: PHOTOCELL,SMR 3206 S30 3S zh: 光电开关,SMR 3206 S30 3S en: PHOTOCELL,SMR 3206 S30 3S Material Utilisation Group 31000 - GENERIC ELECTRICAL PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (I.E. COMMERCIAL MATERIALS) 31000 - GENERIC ELECTRICAL PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (I.E. COMMERCIAL MATERIALS) Material group GJ5 - Monitoring devices and parts Gross weight 0,03 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC