KM51152119H02 DYNAMIC CURTAIN OF LIGHT BRACKETS, RIGHT Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes PL40 - PL40-Landing and Car Door PL40 - PL40-Landing and Car Door Product Description fr: CELLULE DYNAMIQUE SUPPORTS LUMIERE,DTE en: DYNAMIC CURTAIN OF LIGHT BRACKETS, RIGHT zh: 动态光幕支架 en: DYNAMIC CURTAIN OF LIGHT BRACKETS, RIGHT Material Utilisation Group 03164 - CURTAIN OF LIGHT 03164 - CURTAIN OF LIGHT Material group EK24 - Safety edge and curtain of light assemblies Product Family Codes K3000 MonoSpace Fure K3000 SmonoSpace Fure KONE 3000 MiniSpace KONE 3000 TranSys KONE 3000E MiniSpace KONE 3000N MiniSpace KONE 3000S MiniSpace KONE 3000S MiniSpace Marine KONE 3000S MonoSpace KONE 3000S MonoSpace Marine KONE 5000 MiniSpace KONE E MonoSpace KONE MiniSpace KONE MiniSpace Asia KONE MonoSpace KONE MonoSpace Marine KONE MonoSpace Special KONE N MiniSpace KONE N MonoSpace KONE TranSys K3000 MonoSpace Fure Gross weight 1,45 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC