KM5070532H03 LIGHT, LED SPOT COMB COLOR Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details LAMP TYPE LED LAMP Component Family Codes BG-087 - Escalator Illumination ZZ-006 - PSR - Pre-defined packages BG-087 - Escalator Illumination Product Description de: LED LAMP FARBE: BLAU zh: LED蓝色梳齿灯 en: LIGHT, LED SPOT COMB COLOR ca: LIGHT, LED SPOT COMB COLOUR en: LIGHT, LED SPOT COMB COLOR Material Utilisation Group 59032 - COMBS LIGHTING 59032 - COMBS LIGHTING Material group GJA9 - Other Lighting Types Product Family Codes E40 Inside Roller R1.1 E40 Outside Roller R1.1 ECO3000 Escalator Release 2.0 TRANSITMASTER 165 TRANSITMASTER 185 E40 Inside Roller R1.1 Gross weight 0,2 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC