KM5051360 KEY, 218108-0001 SAELZER Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes BG-080 - Escalator Electr. System BG-080 - Escalator Electr. System Product Description pt: CHAVE ESCADA ECO3000 218108 C it: CHIAVE 218108-0001 SAELZER ca: CLAU ESCALA ECO3000 218108 "C" fr: CLE 218108-0001 SAELZER en: KEY, 218108-0001 SAELZER es: LLAVE ESCALERA ECO3000 218108 "C" hu: MOZGÓLÉPCSŐ INDÍTÓKULCS ÁZSIA (RONIS) da: N™GLE 218108-0001 SAELZER sv: Nyckelbrytare ECO de: SCHLUESSEL 218108-0001 SAELZER ru: КЛЮЧ 218108-0001 SAELZER bg: КЛЮЧЕТА ЗА ЕСКАЛАТОР218108-0001/SAELZER zf: 鎖匙 218108-0001 SAELZER zh: 钥匙 218108-0001 SAELZER en: KEY, 218108-0001 SAELZER Material Utilisation Group 62000 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES 62000 - MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES Material group A551 - Locks and keys Product Family Codes ECO3000 Escalator ECO3000 Escalator Release 0.95 ECO3000 Escalator Release 2.0 ECO3000 Escalator Gross weight 0,006 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC