KM50306994 INSERT,LEGEND FOR COP MARKED E Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details TYPE PRESSEL MARKING WITH BRAILLE SYMBOL E Component Family Codes OT-SIG - OTIS Elevator Signalization (All Models) OT-SIG - OTIS Elevator Signalization (All Models) Product Description fr: INSERT MILKY COP GEN2 BRAILLE SYMBOL E en: INSERT,LEGEND FOR COP MARKED E de: LINSE FÜR OTIS GEN2,SYMBOL R en: INSERT,LEGEND FOR COP MARKED E Material Utilisation Group 12321 - PRESSEL / MECHANICS 12321 - PRESSEL / MECHANICS Material group EN1 - Signalization aesthetics parts (faceplates for signalization devices) Product Family Codes OTIS ELEVATOR OTIS GEN2 OTIS ELEVATOR Gross weight 0,01 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC