KM50081432 SECURITY TAPE,L50M W80MM Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Product Description hu: BIZTONSÁGI ELKERÍTŐSZALAG 50M es: CINTA SEÑALIZACION SEGUR. KONE 80MM 50M ca: CINTA SENYALITZACIO SEGUR. KONE 80MM 50M pt: FITA SINALIZAÇAO SEGUR. KONE 80MM 50M fr: RUBAN ADHESIF KONE LARGEUR 80MM L=50M sk: SECURITY TAPE, 80MM 50M en: SECURITY TAPE,L50M W80MM sl: TRAK VARNOSTNI L=50M zh: 警示胶带 80MM 50M en: SECURITY TAPE,L50M W80MM Material Utilisation Group 35000 - TOOLS 35000 - TOOLS Material group C20 - Glues and adhesives Gross weight 0,39 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC