KM50040785 BRUSH,2.5 METERS LENGTH Replaced Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes S3000 - SINDAUR S3000 ZZ-006 - PSR - Pre-defined packages S3000 - SINDAUR S3000 Product Description fr: BALAIS,LONGUEUR DE 2,5METRES SINDAUR da: BRUSH, SINDAUR 2,5 METERS LENGTH de: BRUSH,2,5 METERS LENGTH en: BRUSH,2.5 METERS LENGTH es: BRUSH,SINDAUR 2,5 METERS LENGTH fi: TIIVISTE,PITUUS 2.5M SINDAUR en: BRUSH,2.5 METERS LENGTH Material Utilisation Group 84340 - SEALINGS 84340 - SEALINGS Material group J821 - INDIV ELEM OF PANEL Product Family Codes doors_gbd doors_gbd Gross weight 1,0 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC