KM50040537 EMERGENCY OPENING DEVICE NBSL2L Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes NBSL - NBSL Door NBSL - NBSL Door Product Description fr: DEVERROUILLEUR MANUEL PORTE PAL NBSL2L en: EMERGENCY OPENING DEVICE NBSL2L de: NOTENTRIEGELUNG NBSL2L zh: 应急开门装置 左开厅门 en: EMERGENCY OPENING DEVICE NBSL2L Material Utilisation Group 03280 - LANDING DOOR EMERGENCY OPENING DEVICE 03280 - LANDING DOOR EMERGENCY OPENING DEVICE Material group EK25 - Door mechanical safety locks Product Family Codes KONE 3000S MonoSpace KONE N MonoSpace KONE 3000S MonoSpace Gross weight 0,15 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC