KM378018H01 COMPRESSION SPRING,D13.4/9MM L=76MM Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details TYPE Compression WIRE DIAMETER 2.1-3MM DIAMETER 10.1-20MM LENGTH 51-100MM Component Family Codes ADL - ADL landing door ADL - ADL landing door Product Description en: COMPRESSION SPRING,D13.4/9MM L=76MM fi: JOUSI,PURISTUSJOUSI 13,4/2,2X76 fr: SPRING sk: SPRING, D13.4/9MM L=76MM en: COMPRESSION SPRING,D13.4/9MM L=76MM Material Utilisation Group 32000 - GENERIC MECHANICAL PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (I.E. COMMERCIAL MATERIALS) 32000 - GENERIC MECHANICAL PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (I.E. COMMERCIAL MATERIALS) Material group A51 - Springs and vibration dampers Gross weight 0,022 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC