KM359579H01LL=1000 SILL STRIP ADL Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes ADL - ADL landing door ADL - ADL landing door Product Description fr: GARNITURE DE SEUIL,ALU PTE ADL PL=1100MM fi: KYNNYSLISTA ADL de: Schwelle für ADL en: SILL STRIP ADL sv: TRÖSKEL,FÖR ADL sl: ZAKLJUČNA LETEV PRAGA 1000MM zh: 门槛条 ADL en: SILL STRIP ADL Material Utilisation Group 03136 - SILL 03136 - SILL Material group EK23 - Door sills and aprons Gross weight 1,11 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC