KM278144 LOCK, LEFT LR180 RIGHT OPENING Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes FE-ASD - FERMATOR Elevator Automatic Sliding Doors (All Models) SWINGDR - Swing doors FE-ASD - FERMATOR Elevator Automatic Sliding Doors (All Models) Product Description ca: LEFT LR180 LOCK FOR RIGHT OPENING en: LOCK, LEFT LR180 RIGHT OPENING fi: LUKKOKOKOONP. VAS. PRUDHOMME LR-180 fr: SERRURE PRUDHOMME LR180 GAUCHE de: TÜRVERRIEGELUNG, LR180 RECHTS ÖFFNEND zh: 锁, LEFT LR180 RIGHT OPENING en: LOCK, LEFT LR180 RIGHT OPENING Material Utilisation Group 03320 - DOOR MECHANICAL LOCK 03320 - DOOR MECHANICAL LOCK Material group EK25 - Door mechanical safety locks Product Family Codes KONE MicroSpace KONE MicroSpace Gross weight 0,866 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC