KM273920 BATTERY,4R25 6V Battery Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register HIGH AVAILABILITY Product Details TYPE BATTERY OUTPUT VOLTAGE 6VDC RATED CAPACITY(IN RANGES) More than 3500mAh BATTERY TYPE Zinc chloride Product Description sv: BATTERI 6V 4R25 de: BATTERIE, 4R25 6V it: Battery 4R25/6V/430111 en: BATTERY,4R25 6V ca: PARISTO,4R25 6V fr: PILE ELECTRIQUE, 4R25 6 VOLTS zh: 电池,4R25 6V en: BATTERY,4R25 6V Material Utilisation Group 31000 - GENERIC ELECTRICAL PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (I.E. COMMERCIAL MATERIALS) 31000 - GENERIC ELECTRICAL PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (I.E. COMMERCIAL MATERIALS) Material group B95 - Batteries, power units and chargers Gross weight 0,56 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC