KM267103 TOE GUARD L 980 H345 LL 800.900 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes ADV - ADV door ADV - ADV door Product Description fr: CHASSE-PIEDS,ADV L 980 H=345 PL 800/900 ca: FALDO CABINA L 980 H=345 LL 800. 900 es: FALDON CABINA L 980 H=345 LL 800 . 900 it: GREM P ADV LG. 980 H=345 AP 800-900 de: KABINENSCHÜRZE, L 980, H=345, LL 800/900 hu: KÖTÉNYLEMEZ sl: PREDPASNIK L: 980 H:345 LL: 800.900 da: SPARKEPLADE GUARD L 980 H=345 LL 800/900 no: Toe Guard en: TOE GUARD L 980 H345 LL 800.900 fi: VARVASPELTI L 980 H=345 LL=800/900 zh: 脚趾防护 L 980 H345 LL 800.900 en: TOE GUARD L 980 H345 LL 800.900 Material Utilisation Group 03234 - SILL 03234 - SILL Material group EK29 - Other door parts Product Family Codes E-line MonoSpace KONE MonoSpace 3 E-line MonoSpace Gross weight 2,67 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC