KM264728 VARISTOR,482/640V Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register HIGH AVAILABILITY Product Details AC OPERATING VOLTAGE 482V SURGE CURRENT 6500A CAPACITANCE VALUE 550pF DC OPERATING VOLTAGE 640V VARISTOR ENERGY 180J DIAMETER 20mm Component Family Codes V3F20 - Low and mid range geared V3F for TMS control system V3F20 - Low and mid range geared V3F for TMS control system Product Description fr: VARISTANCE,482/640V D.20MM de: VARISTOR V480LA80B 480VAC 640VDC en: VARISTOR,482/640V fi: VARISTORI,482/640V zh: 压敏电阻,482/640V zf: 變阻器 V480LA80B en: VARISTOR,482/640V Material Utilisation Group 11900 - OTHER ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS 11900 - OTHER ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS Material group B12 - Varistors (Voltage dependent resistor) Product Family Codes KONE 3000 MiniSpace KONE Alta KONE MiniSpace KONE 3000 MiniSpace Gross weight 0,007 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC