KM259988 AUXILIARY CONTACTOR,230VAC 5NO 10A Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details CONTACT VOLTAGE 690V AUXILIARY CONTACTS 5NO CONTACT CURRENT 10A COIL VOLTAGE 230VAC APPLICATION AC AND DC Component Family Codes LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification Product Description en: AUXILIARY CONTACTOR,230VAC 5NO 10A fr: CONTACTEUR TELEME CAD-50P7 5NO 230VAC nl: CONTACTOR 230VAC 4NO pt: CONTACTOR CAD-50P7 230VAC de: HILFSSCHÜTZ 5S 10A,230VAC 50/60HZ no: KONTAKTOR CAD-50P7 sv: KONTAKTOR CAD-50P7,230VAC fi: KONTAKTORI CAD-50P7 230VAC da: Relæ CAD-50P7 230v (4NO) Telemecanique cs: STYKAC CAD-50P7 230VAC ru: Контактов CAD-50P7 230 В пер.тока zh: 接触器,230VAC 5NO 10A zf: 接觸器 CAD-50P7 en: AUXILIARY CONTACTOR,230VAC 5NO 10A Material Utilisation Group 10100 - CONTACTORS 10100 - CONTACTORS Material group B561 - AC controlled contactors Product Family Codes KONE MiniSpace KONE MiniSpace Gross weight 0,58 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC