KM257015 MAGNET, PERMANENT DOOR LOCK BZ50051410 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Product Description fr: AIMANT PERMANENT BZ 50051U10 hu: AJTÓZÁRMÁGNES BZ50051410 de: FEHLSCHLIESSMAGNET fi: KÄÄNTÖOVEN LUKON MAGNEETTI BZ50051410 sv: MAGNET BZ50051410 hr: MAGNET ZABRAVE VRATA BZ S11 en: MAGNET, PERMANENT DOOR LOCK BZ50051410 pt: MAGNET,BZ50051410 zh: 磁铁, PERMANENT DOOR LOCK BZ50051410 en: MAGNET, PERMANENT DOOR LOCK BZ50051410 Material Utilisation Group 03320 - DOOR MECHANICAL LOCK 03320 - DOOR MECHANICAL LOCK Material group B849 - Other magnets and accessories Gross weight 0,042 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC