KM196824 DEVICE,THERMAL PROTECTION 240VAC MSL220 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes 1SP - One-speed AC-drive 2SP - Two-speed AC-drive EA3 - Electronic Analog Drive system EA4 - Electronic Analog Drive system TAC-M - Single or two speed AC-drive with electronic deceleration control TMS200 - Traffic Master System 200 1SP - One-speed AC-drive Product Description en: DEVICE,THERMAL PROTECTION 240VAC MSL220 fi: MOOTTORISUOJA MSL220 es: MOTOR PROTECTION,240VAC de: MOTORSCHUTZ MSL220 220-240VAC 40-60HZ sv: MOTORSKYDD,MSL220C,220V hu: MOTORVÉDŐ MSL220 no: MOTORVERN MSL220C cs: OCHRANA MOTORU 240VAC fr: PROTECTION THERMIQUE MOTEUR MSL220C sk: SPINAC MOTORA,240VAC da: Termorelæ MS ru: Реле защ двиг he: קלומט במנוע קונה zh: 热保护开关,240VAC MSL220C zf: 馬達開關 MSL220C,196824 en: DEVICE,THERMAL PROTECTION 240VAC MSL220 Material Utilisation Group 10970 - MOTOR OVERLOADS 10970 - MOTOR OVERLOADS Material group B83 - Accessories for motors and generators Gross weight 0,157 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC