KM160154G02 PCB,RS422 BOARD REV 1.1 Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes EMC - Elevator Monitoring and Command system LCE - Lift Controller and Electrification TMS516 - Traffic Master System 516 TMS900 - Traffic Master System 900 TMS9000 - Traffic Master System 9000 EMC - Elevator Monitoring and Command system Product Description fr: CARTE RS422-81 TMS900/TMS9000/TMS516 sv: KRETSKORT RS422-81 FÖR TMS516 + 900 DC pt: PCB ASSEMBLY 160154G02 1.1 cs: PCB, RS422 BOARD REV 1.1 en: PCB,RS422 BOARD REV 1.1 fi: PIIRIKORTTI RS422-81 TMS516/900 de: PLATINE V1.1 da: Printkort TMS900/516 RS422-81 zf: RS422-板 160154G02 ru: Печатная плата en: PCB,RS422 BOARD REV 1.1 Material Utilisation Group 10500 - PC BOARDS 10500 - PC BOARDS Material group B72 - PCB assembly Gross weight 0,188 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC