KM1354968 BELT DOOR COMPACT 5 METER Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register Product Details Component Family Codes OT-AFD - OTIS Elevator Automatic Folding Door (All Models) OT-ASD - OTIS Elevator Automatic Sliding Door (All Models) OT-COMPAC - OTIS COMPACT Elevator Doors OT-AFD - OTIS Elevator Automatic Folding Door (All Models) Product Description en: BELT DOOR COMPACT 5 METER fr: COURROIE CRANTEE PORTE COMPACT fi: HAMMASHIHNA, OTIS hr: POJASNA VRATA COMPACT 5 MET de: RIEMEN 5m sv: TANDREM, ORDER 5 METER en: BELT DOOR COMPACT 5 METER Material Utilisation Group 03172 - DOOR OPERATOR MECHANICAL COMPONENT 03172 - DOOR OPERATOR MECHANICAL COMPONENT Material group A63 - Chains, cables and belts Product Family Codes OTIS ELEVATOR OTIS ELEVATOR Gross weight 0,055 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC