KM1330501 DOOR CLOSER, Z CEITA SWING DOOR FRAME Sign in or create a user account here to see more product details. Sign in or Register TOP SELLER Product Details Component Family Codes SWINGDR - Swing doors SWINGDR - Swing doors Product Description en: DOOR CLOSER, Z CEITA SWING DOOR FRAME fr: FERME PORTE PORTE BATT MAXISPACE RS ca: Z DOOR CLOSER zh: 闭门器, Z CEITA SWING DOOR FRAME en: DOOR CLOSER, Z CEITA SWING DOOR FRAME Material Utilisation Group 03342 - DOOR CLOSER, DICTATOR 03342 - DOOR CLOSER, DICTATOR Material group A553 - Door closers Gross weight 1,95 Unit of weight kg Sales Unit of Measure PC